In the case of a smartphone, for example, the software stack would be made up of the operating system, the phone app, the web browser and other basic applications. Because of the sheer depth of their knowledge across the entire tech stack, this kind of developer tends to have years of industry experience and gets paid well for it, as our full-stack salary guide shows. From Java to JavaScript, frontend to backend and apps to APIs, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by the seemingly endless stream of new terminology. The tech field is rife with peculiar terms and buzzwords which, to the untrained ear, can be extremely baffling. Web development is no exception, and if you want to make it as a programmer, you need to be familiar with the industry lingo.
When a local restaurant retweets a Twitter user’s positive shout out, or Coca-Cola reposts a picture of an Instagram user drinking a Coke, that’s UGC. Impressions are the number of times an online ad, article, video, or other piece of content has been “fetched” (or requested) from it’s source. Whenever social media content shows up in your web browser, it’s been fetched from its web server, and you’ve just helped make an impression.
Big data
In the simplest of terms, coding is just telling a computer what you want it to do. That involves typing in step-by-step commands for the computer to follow – you’re learning how to speak computer. It’s no mystery learning to code has been likened to learning a foreign language, or perhaps, more specifically, a family of foreign languages.
They’ll provide feedback, support, and advice as you build your new career. Unlike its name may suggest, data mining does not mean ‘mining for data’, but rather ‘mining data’. The process aims to extract as much value and ‘usable’ information from raw, fresh data as possible. Data governance is the process of ensuring the quality, usability and safety of an organisation’s data. It involves ensuring that data is well-maintained and complies with the correct data standards. Think of those in charge of data governance as both the gatekeepers and police of an organisation’s data.
Web apps
A process in which source code is broken down into its smallest testable components, each of which is then tested individually. Stands for «Scalable Vector Graphic.» An image file format that stores data as text-based XML files. Unlike pixel-based image file types, SVGs can be scaled to any size without losing resolution. The process of cleaning and restructuring source code, without affecting the product’s functionality, to improve readability and eliminate inefficient and overcomplicated sections of code.
- Your world-class, tech-enabled marketing agency with over 1.6 million hours of combined expertise.
- The area of product design focused on the look, feel, and overall aesthetic experience of a digital product.
- Plugins are software components added to provide extra functionalities to a website, which can enhance both UX and UI.
- While no company can sell open-source software, they are at liberty to sell products and services related to it, such as consulting or added features.
- Microblogs are a subset of traditional blogs where instead of longform content, short messages consisting of a few sentences, an image, a video, or a link are posted and shared.
- Cron jobsCron jobs are jobs scheduled by the backend to run at set intervals.
- The device that your computer is either directly connected to via an ethernet cable or that you use to access your home WiFi network is a router.
Students receive a wireframe, a list of requirements that an application must do, and the technologies that the student must use to build it. It’s based on the model-view-presenter (MVP) application design paradigm. Routers are the devices used to connect personal computers to the internet via a service provider like cable or DSL.
How to Land a Tech Job in SoCal
Object-oriented programming is a type of computer programming/software design that focuses on the creation of objects that have specific and unique attributes and abilities. In OOP, computer programs are made up of these created objects that then interact with one another. This is in contrast to earlier programming languages that focus more on the process of turning input data into output data rather than the data (objects) itself. A full-stack developer is a type of programmer that has a functional knowledge of all techniques, languages
systems engineering concepts required in software development. The term «full stack» refers to the technologies and skills needed to complete a project, with each individual component being a stack. Entering the world of coding bootcamps and learning software development can be a little scary when you don’t know all the lingo.
For days, you tell the computer that you are going to show it pictures of something called a ‘tree’ and let it take pictures of your tree images. After a while, the computer will have enough data about what a tree looks like that it will be able to recognise a tree of its own accord. Self-driving cars and voice recognition services are examples of products made possible by machine learning. When you visit a website with the browser on your computer or smartphone, you are requesting it from a web server. Coding terminology is the common language computer programmers use when building websites and programs.
NoSQL database
Some programmers specialise in front-end development, which means that they create the ‘front’ of a website or software. Whereas back-end developers concentrate on building components and features that run a website or software, front end developers build the applications that allow users to access these components. That is to say, they create the graphical user interface with which users interact. Often, front end developers specialise in a front end programming language such as HTML, CSS or JavaScript. Languages are basically what programmers use to build websites, apps and software.
CareerFoundry is an online school for people looking to switch to a rewarding career in tech. Select a program, get paired with an expert mentor and tutor, and become a job-ready designer, developer, or analyst from scratch, or your money back. Another programming language, Python was named after Monty Python—true story! Python is widely adopted and supported; Google, Reddit, NASA, and Dropbox are among some of the most well-known companies using it. Then, once the product has been released and user feedback has been gathered, they will continue to build the complete set of features. Minification is one of my favorite web development buzzwords—it’s the process of minimizing code and markup in order to reduce the file size.
unstructured data
IA is not just for designers; developers are information architects, too, in the way they structure their code. Generally speaking, site maps, hierarchies, categorizations, navigation and metadata are all part of IA. An absolute staple in the web development world, Git is a version control system where developers can store and manage their code. Remember how the backend is everything that goes on behind the scenes, and powers what goes on at the frontend? The frontend of a website, also known as client-side, is what the end user sees and interacts with.
The photograph itself is the data, and information such as time and date of capture, image size and storage location are the metadata. Often, when reading about concepts such as frictionless data or big data, we come across the analogy of organising data into packages or ‘crates’ to allow for easier handling and ‘transportation’ of data. This is because handling large amounts of raw data is a very tricky process, in the same way as trying to carry water with your hands is very difficult. Full-stack developers can complement a specialized team by floating to the areas that need more help. For example, they might help on the back-end of a major new feature with deadline pressure and then move to the front-end to help create landing pages for an upcoming event. People on a development team can fill multiple roles, especially in smaller companies, where one or two people do almost everything.