The RACI matrix: Your blueprint for project success

Clear project roles and responsibilities can help your team move fast and reduce confusion about who’s working on what. With a RACI chart, you can ensure you don’t have two team members working on the same thing. As a result, you’ll have an easier time collaborating with your team. In summary, the RACI matrix is a useful tool for enhancing project management and organizational processes. It fosters clear communication, accountability, and efficient resource allocation, ultimately contributing to successful project outcomes and improved teamwork.

  • This includes facilitating and supporting employees and/or departments.
  • The responsible parties are typically hands-on team members that make direct contributions toward the completion of the project.
  • Involving too many people for consultation can slow down decision-making, leading to project delays.
  • Project management is constantly evolving in its technology and trends, from RACI to Gantt and back.
  • For the sake of efficiency and effectiveness, do not include things like team meetings in the matrix.
  • That can make it hard for you to gain real-time clarity about where each task is in your project workflow.

A RACI chart is one tool that helps project managers keep a project on track. To create a RACI chart, list all of a project’s tasks down the left-hand column and stakeholders across the top row. For each task, enter an R, A, C or I to assign a level of involvement for each stakeholder in each task. For example, I know in creating this article that I’m the responsible party, because I’m doing the work of writing. And they likely have consulted and informed others around them, such as a managing editor and an SEO specialist. The accountable person in the RACI equation delegates and reviews the work involved in a project.


RACI models focus on the granular, instead of capturing work at the project level. You might know who the Consulted is on a particular task—which is helpful—but knowing that doesn’t help you understand how various stakeholders interact with the broader project work. The matrix responsibility chart does not describe people’s interactions in a project. These are the people who must complete a task or make a decision.

(Lucky you!) Or maybe your project is small enough that it would be silly to take the time to go through this exercise. Cost-benefit analysis helps project managers identify the balance between project strengths and weaknesses to… With, you can easily give them viewer access to project and workflow boards. That way, they know the actual status of the project in real-time. You can also inform stakeholders of crucial changes automatically with automations. Even though the RACI model is a project manager’s useful tool for stakeholder management, that doesn’t mean it should be used for all projects.

What is the RACI Model?

Beyond just a way to assign tasks, it’s a strategic tool designed to eliminate bottlenecks and facilitate smooth communication within your team. RACI charts are an effective project planning tool that facilitates managing teams’ and stakeholders’ expectations. While they’re versatile and simple to use, they might not be the best fit for some projects.

definition of raci

This chart is merely a mechanical tool for determining responsibilities; it does not clearly define the relationships between project participants. The authority-responsibility relationship is defined in general terms. It isn’t easy to express the extent and state of a relationship. Are you planning to introduce a project management software solution to your employee?

Tips for filling in the template

Naturally, every department uses a different set of tools and applications.’s robust integrations make it easy to bring all of this data And even if you use custom business apps, you can easily integrate them into using our API and 50+ pre-built adaptors. A written memo isn’t enough to standardize your methods and remove departmental silos. Use digital tools to build a platform for efficient RACI implementation and stakeholder management. Our team is comprised of expert consultants, trainers, and facilitators, who can help your teams and their leaders achieve a seamless level of collaboration.

definition of raci

Although it’s important to include roles and the division of tasks, it is not necessary to include details on the activities and responsibilities. It’s important to keep track of exactly who will be working on a certain task or project. Examples are the sponsor, project manager, team members, analysts and more. The RACI Matrix has a fixed design, with the names of functional roles on the horizontal axis and the various tasks, activities, the achievements to be delivered and responsibilities on the vertical axis. We must distinguish between a functional role and individual people.

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You might have to lay a foundation, add plinth beam and slab, masonry, flooring or roofing, doors and windows, electrical and plumbing, fixtures, etc. That’s why it’s important to keep these roles top of mind throughout a project’s life cycle. You can do this by reviewing RACI assignments for upcoming tasks in weekly status update meetings and making sure everyone involved in a project has easy access to the RACI chart. Just be sure everyone represented on your RACI chart has acknowledged and agreed to the roles and responsibilities you’ve laid out. More importantly, you want to check that your matrix eliminates any further project confusion.

While making a key decision is a part of the project management process, it’s not the whole journey. The RACI framework outlines who should do a task, who to keep in the loop, and who gets the final say. Generally, nobody should have more than a single responsibility level for each deliverable or activity group in the RACI chart. In this example, we’ve given every person some level of involvement to keep things simple. But when you make a real model for more than four people, there’s often more white space.

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