How to Get Out of a Bad Date Tips and Tricks Coveteur: Inside Closets, Fashion, Beauty, Health, and Travel

Here are 10 tips on how to get out of a bad date without being rude. Stay on the phone with someone as you leave until you’re safely inside your home. Try to let yourself relax a little bit more into the date. It’s anxiety-provoking to meet someone new, so your nerves could be playing into your impression of how the date is going.

  • Remember that first impressions aren’t always true.
  • I mean, your best friend was in your life way before your date was, and you could never leave your BFF stranded during an emergency, so your date has to understand how dire of a situation this is!
  • If that doesn’t give them the hint, a handshake at the end should do it.
  • After putting this possibility on your date’s radar before meeting, like an exit-strategy pro, pull it out whenever things start to head south.

% of people told us that this article helped them. A staff member may be able to call a cab for you. Or, if your date is behaving really inappropriately or making you feel unsafe, you can ask to have them escorted out or have a staff member call the police for you. Even if the venue you have chosen does not offer a “mayday service,” you may be able to simply go up to the bar or pull a server aside and quietly ask for assistance. Arrange to have a friend show up if things get uncomfortable.

This article has been viewed 14,158 times. If you need to leave in a hurry and don’t want to worry about settling the bill, it’s a good idea to have some cash you can put down for your part of the tab. Cash is also useful to have on hand in case you need to pay for cab fare. It’s always easier to escape – or get help, if you need it – if you’re in a public venue rather than, say, your own home, or a secluded spot somewhere. Arrange to meet your date at a place like a restaurant or a bar.

And maybe just not that great with people in general. Tell your date you’re feeling sick to your stomach, or that you’re having an allergic reaction to something in the food. Hey, sometimes honesty is the best policy – although usually not the easiest one.

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If your date is making you uncomfortable with touch, you might say, “I appreciate you wanting to hold my hand, but I’m feeling a little nervous. I’d like to talk more and get to know you a little better first.” Since you’re on a date, naturally your date may try to talk about intimacy or may try to touch or hug you.

They climbed out of a window to escape an ex.

“I’m sorry, I just got a call from my best friend. I forgot she and I had plans later tonight. I need to go.” If you are looking to get out of a bad date, this is another great strategy.

If your date isn’t, then you will be reassured you really do need to ditch them. You can part ways at that point without guilt. Remember that rejection is a normal part of dating and it may take time to find someone you’re compatible with, but that doesn’t mean you should turn a difficult date into an unhealthy relationship. Evaluate your expectations and patterns. Make sure that your expectations of the person you’re trying to date are realistic.

But with experience, I’ve learned how to handle all of the above. Here are my 6 tips for how to survive a bad date. It’s only when you actually sit down together that you’ll be able to decode their true character. And it can sometimes take several dates, to dig down past their surface level persona.

This article has been viewed 11,371 times. Pay attention to your instincts once any red flags come up and/or if you just aren’t enjoying the date anymore. You may want to continue to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but take a moment to really listen to your feelings and evaluate if you can put up with your date anymore tonight or ever. Only you know who and what is best for you. Your date may try to impress you and sometimes this could lead to little white lies or bigger lies about who they are. Keep an eye out for any inconsistencies in what they say and call them out for it. You can be gentle and remind them that you just want to get to know who they really are.You might say, “Hey, it’s okay if you don’t really speak Spanish. You don’t have to impress me. I appreciate honesty.”

You have to set this one up early, the second you start feeling like you might want to bail. Eventually, your sickness will overwhelm you to the point you have to leave. Don’t be melodramatic, but give yourself a healthy migraine or nausea. If you’re a straight woman, “sore tummy” will often be interpreted as “menstruating” which freaks dudes out so much that they won’t even question you. Be happy that you were able to reject someone earlier rather than later and save yourself from a difficult relationship.

Before you completely bail out on your bad date, be patient with them and cut them some slack. It could be that they’re nervous, just like you, or that they just don’t know what to talk about. Follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest and we promise, we’ll be your lucky charm to a beautiful love life.

I went on a few bad dates where I actually wanted to stick a bicycle spoke in my eye during it, but the guy wasn’t exactly the reason why. Maybe you decided to play laser tag together (don’t laugh! I did this in the name of “dating research”).

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